Do you experience a burning sensation in your stomach or have stomach infections? It could be a symptom of IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease). IBD is a group of health conditions leading to chronic inflammation of your alimentary canal (digestive tract).
There are two types of IBD. It includes:
Ulcerative colitis. In this condition, you develop inflammation and stomach ulcer (soreness) starting at the rectum, continuing along the lining of your colon (large intestine).
Crohn’s disease. This health condition can cause inflammation and soreness to any portion of your digestive canal, right from your mouth to your anus. In some cases, stomach infections are likely to spread through multiple layers of your digestive tract.
Symptoms of IBD vary depending on the severity of inflammation and where it occurs. Some of the common signs and symptoms are:
Many people believe that IBD or stomach acid is caused due to lack of proper diet and stress. However, there is no scientific or clinical data to prove this claim. Doctors have confirmed that improper diet and stress will aggravate but do not cause IBD. Immune system malfunction might be one of the causes. But, the exact cause of IBD remains unknown.
Certain foods can help you stay well nourished without aggravating symptoms. Here is a list of foods that should be easy for your digestion.
Each person has his trigger agents that cause the symptoms to aggravate.
If you feel that there is a significant change in your daily bowel movements, if you experience any of the symptoms (mentioned above), or if your symptoms start worsening, make sure to get in touch with your doctor at the earliest. Although IBD is not fatal in general, in some cases, it can be life-threatening.
Consult our gastroenterologist’s team at Apollo, who is trained and practiced in the premier institutes across the world and have more than 15 years of experience in this field. Our endoscopy unit comprises six endoscopy theatres with fully equipped state-of-the-art modern endoscopy machines and accessories. We have dedicated specialty clinics for IBD and IBS treatment. You can now book an appointment online through Apollo Edoc, which will ensure zero waiting time for further details.
Some of the risk factors associated with IBD include the following:
Common complications of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis include:
Your doctor will focus the treatment plans on minimizing the inflammation leading to a burning sensation in the stomach. It will not only relieve your symptoms but provide long-term remission while reducing the chances of complications. Following are the IBD treatments your doctor is more likely to recommend:
Your doctor is likely to prescribe a special diet administered through a feeding tube or injected into your vein. It is recommended in case of severe malnutrition and dehydration.
If medications, nutritional support, remedies for stomach burning, and lifestyle modification fail to improve your condition, your doctor will likely suggest surgery for curing stomach burning.
Here are some remedies for burning sensation in your stomach:
Here is how you can get relief from stomach burning:
You might experience a burning sensation in your stomach because of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and indigestion. Some of the other causes of stomach burning may include ulcers and (GERD) gastroesophageal reflux disease, etc.
Some drink options that can help soothe a burning stomach include the following: