Tularemia, caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, infects both people and animals. Rodents, hares, and rabbits die in large numbers in an outbreak situation. People can become infected through skin contact with the infected animals, deer fly bites, and ticks. People can also get tularemia by taking care of infected animals, drinking contaminated water, and eating contaminated food.
People can become sick with tularemia, but it is a rare condition. This infectious disease is primarily seen in animals; therefore, it is also known as Rabbit Fever. In humans, it infects the lymph nodes, eyes, lungs, and skin. One variety of tularemia affects the digestive system, mouth, and throat.
The bacterium Francisella tularensis is responsible for spreading this disease. Direct exposure to an infected animal and insect bites are the most common ways through which this disease spreads. It also occurs by eating undercooked meat of the infected animals.
If you are infected by tularemia, you may experience severe symptoms within 2 to 5 days, depending on the type of tularemia.
If you have any of the aforementioned symptoms, contact your doctor right away. If you have been working close to or handling animals infected by tularemia, you will likely develop this disease. If ticks or rodents bite you in an area where there is a prevalence of tularemia, you should see a doctor even if you don’t have any symptoms. If you have a sudden fever or chills after being in an area where tularemia is prevalent, contact a doctor.
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Living in an area or visiting areas where there is a high prevalence of tularemia increases your chance of developing this disease. In India, Tularemia was first found in the year 2015 in the blood of a febrile patient. Although it is a rare disease in India, it can be found in some places, increasing its inhabitants’ risk.
People pursuing high-risk occupations and hobbies are at a greater risk of having this disease. For example, hunting or trapping animals exposes individuals to the blood of wild animals. Similarly, eating undercooked flesh of wild animals already infected with tularemia poses risks. People can inhale the bacterium while landscaping or gardening. Finally, individuals who have a veterinary practice or work in wildlife management may develop this disease.
The complications of this disease are as follows.
Since there are no vaccines for tularemia, you must take a few preventive measures if you work or live in an area where this disease is prevalent.
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Diagnosing tularemia is difficult because the symptoms match a variety of other diseases. If diagnosed, antibiotics are usually prescribed for treatment. Antibiotics are either taken orally or injected, depending on the patient’s condition. If you have meningitis or pneumonia, you will first need to be treated for those diseases before tularemia is treated. People generally develop immunity to it after getting it once. However, in some people, tularemia can appear more than once.
Tularemia is a rare disease. If it goes untreated for long, it can cause fatalities. Some varieties, such as oropharyngeal tularemia, typhoidal tularemia, and pneumonic tularemia, are potentially more dangerous than other common forms. The best way to prevent this disease is to wear protective clothing and avoid sick or dead animals. Still, if you happen to have any of the aforementioned symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor right away.
The most common variety of tularemia is ulceroglandular tularemia.
The symptoms last for about three weeks, but with proper treatment, patients completely recover from this disease. Treatment usually lasts for 10 to 21 days, depending on the severity of the condition.
Tularemia is found in less than 100 animals. Squirrels, rabbits, beavers, and muskrats are the most prone to this bacterium.