A concussion is a head injury that affects the functioning of the brain. Concussions are mostly temporary, but their after-effects can last for a long time—however, most of the people who suffer a concussion recover well.
What are the symptoms of a concussion?
Symptoms show up only a few hours or days post-injury. The symptoms can be mild or intense and can last for days or weeks. Here are some signs of a concussion:
● Amnesia or memory loss, resulting in forgetting the event that caused the concussion.
● Headaches
● Ringing in the ears
● Fatigue and dizziness
● Blurry vision
● The feeling of disorientation and confusion
● Speech delay
● Loss of consciousness ( happens rarely)
● Irritability and other changes in personality
● Disturbed sleep
● Forgetting things
● Light or noise sensitivity
● Lightheadedness
How long do the symptoms last?
If it is a first-grade concussion or a second-grade concussion, it will take a few minutes, hours, or days to wear off. In rare cases, the symptoms of the first two grades may stay for a couple of weeks . For all grades of concussion , the patient requires medical attention.
What is the first aid response to a concussion?
Here are some ways to provide first aid to someone who has suffered a concussion:
How to handle a concussion before medical help shows up?
When should you see a doctor?
Concussions can happen in both adults and children. It is essential to know when to see a doctor. Usually, after a concussion, the person affected wants to sleep. It is okay unless you notice any severe signs.
In case your child has experienced a serious head injury, you must go to a doctor at the earliest, as they can monitor the situation better. Here are some signs that should let you know whether you should take the concussed person to a doctor immediately :
● Loss of consciousness for more than 30 seconds
● Intense headache that worsens with time
● Bleeding or fluid from the nose or ears
● Constant ringing in the ears
● Blurry vision
● Disorientation and confusion
These are sure signs of a concussion. If you notice these in a person, it means that the injury has affected brain function, and a concussion has likely occurred. In this situation, visit the ER or emergency care immediately as it could get worse.
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What are the causes of a concussion?
Our brain is a sensitive organ with the consistency of gelatin or jelly. Cerebrospinal fluid is what protects the brain from bumps and jolts that we may experience in our everyday lives. Injury to the head or the neck, in the form of a decisive blow, a fall, or a violent shake, affect brain function, causing a concussion.
A brain injury can result in bleeding, which can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to monitor a person with a concussion, to make sure things do not worsen.
What are the types of concussions?
Concussions have grades depending on their severity. There are three grades of concussions:
First grade: This is when the symptoms are mild and only last for 15 minutes or less , with no loss of consciousness. The victim is awake but just dazed and confused as to what happened.
Second grade: This is when the symptoms last longer than 15 minutes. This grade also does not involve loss of consciousness.
Third grade: This is the most severe type of concussion. It happens when a person does lose consciousness. It often results in an amnesia episode where the patient does not remember anything before the incident .
What are the risk factors?
Here is a list of activities that can lead to a greater chance of developing a concussion:
●Recent fall from the height or head injury especially in elders or young children
●Experiencing an injury while playing high-risk sports such as football, boxing, rugby, etc.
●Playing a sport without the right safety equipment
●Experiencing physical abuse or involved in a fight
●If you were in a car crash or motorbike accident
●Being a soldier and have been in a combat
● Past medical history significant for concussion
Who is at greater risk of developing complications due to a concussion?
What can be some complications that follow?
A concussion can lead to various complications like:
What are some measures you can take to prevent a concussion?
Some preventive measures include:
A concussion, if not treated on time, may cause permanent severe effects. It is not a life-threatening situation, but it can cause several difficulties for the victim later on in life. To prevent this people need to be aware of concussion and its preventive measures.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can a concussion be noticed right away?
In most cases, when there is a concussion, the symptoms show up right away. But, in some cases, the symptoms take some time to show up. The patient needs to be monitored for a few hours after the accident.
2. What to do if you notice someone has a concussion?
Ask them to stay still and talk to you about how they are feeling. Call medical services immediately. Ask the patient not to move much. Make sure they do not make any sudden movements.
3. Should patients with concussion drive?
No, a concussion affects hand-eye coordination, which makes it unsafe for them to drive. Patients should only be allowed to go after the symptoms resolve and go by the doctor’s advice on driving.
4. Are emotional changes the side effect of a concussion?
Yes, some people do experience a change in their emotions after they have suffered a concussion. The emotions seen can be stress, depression or anxiety. It is best to keep a victim of concussion away from stressful situations.
Call 1860-500-1066 to book an appointment